Saturday, February 26, 2011


INDIA - A country, some aeon ago was the dream land of the whole world. The country's discovery, in terms of its geographical location was the most anxiously awaited moment by the people all over. The American native people were then called as Indian, as a result of Cristopher Columbus and others believing that when they reached the east coast of America, they had reached part of India by a new route.

In historical terms also India has got some valid proof which portrays its greatness among the white people when they came all the way to rule over us. Lord Macaulay made his address to the British parliament on February 1835, "I have traveled across the length and breadth of India and have not seen one person who is a beggar or one who is a thief. Such a wealth have seen in this country, such moral values, people of such caliber that i don't think we would ever conquer this country unless we break the very backbone of this nation which is her spiritual and cultural heritage and therefore i propose that we replace her old and ancient education system and her culture, for if the Indians think that all that is foreign and English is good and greater than their own they will become what we want them - a truly dominated nation".

At the nick of this moment, Indians need to be aware of more than just the past glory of history and geography of our Motherland. Real time concept to be known includes India's present situation, people's mode of living, execution of duties by people's representatives - is every thing proceeding in right way? Its in no way a fiddle-faddle matter when the issue is most sensational and burning one but the thing is who really cares for all this.

'World bank warns of price rise', 'Confiscate money of Indians in Swiss banks', 'India will have to wait till 2012 for information on black money' are a very few dark lines highlighted in news papers that throws light on India's dark side. Thus it clearly reveals India's besmirch among all nations which incorporates day to day price hike of essential commodities, protests, scams, scandals and loot.

Political leaders are of the opinion 'what if the world bank or reserve bank says something, we have safeguarded our own accounts in foreign banks'. Indians are made blind, deaf and dumb by announcing free compliments for each and every one of their vote. Within the period of 5 years they tend to forget what actually happened and by the time they start to realize about past years politicians start digging a brand new pit for next free compliment. And once again now the time has been ripe for them. Is this all what the so called Indians deserve for doing their statutory duty? Feeling of oneness is the expected requirement from all of us but it is dedicated to world cup cricket as of now rather than to this topic.

"Who speaks of liberty when the human mind is in chains?" - by Francis Wright is the perfect quote reflecting the status of our country and people. Looking for a conclusion? How do you expect me to give one? Is this a problem of a single individual or is it going to be solved in a day's time?

As is the issue, so is the conclusion. But never be late than now, all over the world the situation is getting worser in countries like Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Oman, North and South Korea, etc. Expecting the positive change from all those concerned to prevent our country also from getting into the clutches of rebellions. None can deny of our blissful past, to an extent of boonful present yet how about future ?!? Better if we are never made to answer for the same as 'baneful'!!!


  1. A MUCH NEEDED CALL ..(also, good Title Selection)

  2. "Feeling of oneness... dedicated to world cup" - Exceptional
