Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Mere color, unspoiled by meaning, and unallied with definite form, can speak to the soul in a thousand different ways – OSCAR WILDE
Black and White... This has got no serious sense here, as is the case with untouchability or apartheid yet it indeed has a notable consideration to be dealt with as a color on the basis of justification!
Colors are the one that makes world worth admiring, rather than just seeing. They are the life providers of all things around, with respect to vision perspective. All colors have certain range of wavelength and possess a similar property that makes them fall under the category of ‘colors’ exception being BLACK and WHITE. But can black and white be rightly called as the color is the greatest question mark.
A well-known fact is, the most fascinating and common combination among colors tend to be Black and White. Yet it seems there is no single point that supports it but immense controversies seem to apply for each of these as a color.
Here are a few tit-bits relating to these couple-colors.
Is BLACK a color?
Black is not strictly a color as it is the absence of all color. Black is the total absorption of all colors and the absence of light. It absorbs all aspects of light.
Black can be defined as the visual impression experienced when no visible light reaches the eye. Pigments or dyes that absorb light rather than reflect it back to the eye "look black". A material is said to be black if most incoming light is absorbed equally in the material and reflects none of them to the eyes.
FACT: Absence of all color represents black.
Significance of the color black are :
Authority, Bold, Confidence and Classy , Dramatic, Elegance, Formal, Sophistication, Strength, Power, Protection, Mysterious, Committed, Serious, Depth, Wealth, Style, Classic, Polished, Secrecy, Seriousness, Aggressive, Sexy, Self-control.
Here is a list of phrases using the word black:
Blackball - voting against someone in a secret manner to prevent them from becoming a member of club
Black belt - the highest awarded belt in the martial arts
Black coffee – coffee without milk
Black comedy
- Comedy which is created out of a tragic event or situation
Black day
- a bad day, which is often used before the name of a specific day to symbolize a tragic event. Like Black Tuesday or Black Friday for example
Black eye - damage such as damage to one’s reputation, slander, unpopular
- a crook
- evil and wicked
list - a list of persons or organizations to be boycotted or punished
Black lung - a coal miner's disease caused by the frequent inhaling of coal dust
Black magic (dark magic) - is the belief of practices of magic that draws on assumed malevolent(ill will, evil or harmful influence) powers
Black market - illegal trade of goods or money
- obtaining or demanding something by threat
Black money -
part of a nation's income that relates to its black economy/any money that a person or organization acquires illegally, as by a means that involves tax evasion
Black out
- Loss of consciousness or Loss of electricity or light
Black sheep
- an outcast from a family or from society
wash (as opposed to “whitewash”) - to uncover or bring out in the light
The black of night fosters a pure imaginative mood, because it provides freedom from distractions. Black represents calm, rest and renewal. It offers us sleep and a time to recover, rest and regenerate for the day ahead.
· Black has tremendous effect in color healing. The color black also opens up the deeper levels of the unconscious and is used to induce a deep meditational state.
· It is used for absorbing negativity, dealing with depression and grief, divination and bringing things to an end.
Red, Yellow, and Blue
(The primary colors of pigments in the art world)
Cyan, Magenta, and Yellow
(The primary colors of inks in the printing industry)
Although the meaning of black has some negative connotations, it does in fact enhance any positive elements given by other colors. So wearing black with another color will promote and strengthen the benefits of that color.

Is WHITE a color?
White is not a single color rather it is the blending of all colors. White reflects all the colors of the visible light spectrum to the eyes.
Light appears colorless or white. Sunlight is white light that is composed of all the colors of the spectrum. A rainbow is proof. You can't see the colors of sunlight except when atmospheric conditions bend the light rays and create a rainbow. You can also use a prism to demonstrate this.
FACT: The sum of all the colors of light adds up to white.
Significance of the color white are:
Positive, well-balanced, optimistic, highly individualistic personality. It is a color of peace and success.
Here is a list of phrases using the word white:
White Christmas: the appearance of snow on Christmas day
White elephant: a possession that no longer holds value for its owner
White flag: the signal of a peaceful surrender.
White goods: a description of household items, such as linens, towels, and appliances
White hot: extreme manner of intensity
White lie: a harmless untruth usually told out of politeness.
White sauce: a sauce made from stock, butter, flour and seasonings
White feather: a symbol of cowardice
Technically, pure white is the absence of color. In other words, you can't mix colors to create white. Therefore, white is the absence of color in the strictest sense of the definition.
About black:

The most easily made mistake is to relate the concept of dark being the absence of light. This is correct, yet understand that in complete dark (the absence of light) our eyes could not perceive white or black simply because no light is present to be reflected off a "white" or "black" object and be received by our eyes.

In respect to this it would be possible to create 100% black only with a surface containing all colors; this being the only way to prevent any color from being reflected back to the beholder.

About white:
For the eye to perceive an object as white, the object must reflect all colors (or close to). A surface capable of reflecting all colors must be void in color itself, any color would hinder all color light to be reflected and thus would not create white perceived by our eyes.

Whatsoever be the controversies and discrimination between these two colors, it is loved by people all over globe as their heart throbbing color combination. Let us also enjoy this combo beyond reasons!


  1. Good Article.

    Being an Indian, How could u miss writing about 'Black Money' and 'Black Magic'

    BTW, HATS OFF for the last line - 'Let us also enjoy this combo beyond reasons!'

  2. Missed out black magic and black money, only bcoz of being an Indian...

    Anyway, since u have mentioned i have included it also...
